TSX ETF Investor Centre
Discover the world of exchange traded funds (ETFs) listed on Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). Find, analyze, compare and contrast TSX ETFs using the TSX ETF Screener and TSX ETF Comparison tool. Our database of ETFs contains over one thousand active ETF listings. Learn more about TSX ETFs via our education portal TSX ETF 101 and gain Canadian and international insights and perspectives from industry specialists with TSX ETF Insights.
Top Performing ETFs (over 30 days)
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TSX-listed ESG funds that enable investors to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into their investing.
TSX ETFs and Closed End Funds that track bitcoin and crypto currencies.
TSX ETFs that have the largest price gains (by dollar value) in the past 30 days.
ETFs that recently commenced trading on TSX & TSXV.